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11 Essential Tips for Managing Problematic Skin: Your Ultimate Guide

Every woman’s signature attitude should be SELF-CONFIDENCE! The importance of being self-confident in a woman’s life is immeasurable. Every woman deserves to feel good in her body. We understand how crucial a woman’s healthy and beautiful facial skin is and the distress it can cause when not properly maintained. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive post with 11 recommendations to tackle pimples, dryness, flaking, acne, and other skin concerns. Grab a cup of hot coffee and get comfortable, as this post will be thorough and insightful. Here is HOIA’s philosophy for radiant skin!

Drink Enough Clean Water!
Did you know that our bodies are largely composed of water, and maintaining proper hydration is crucial for healthy and radiant skin? Water flushes toxins from the body, and insufficient intake can lead to toxin buildup, causing skin issues like bulges and pimples. Many beverages like juices, soft drinks, and vitamin waters contain sugars, which are bacteria’s favorite food, promoting their growth in the body. As an alternative to water, consider drinking herbal teas, birch juice, coconut water, or spring water.

Check Your Diet!
We believe that skin problems often originate from within—hormones, unhealthy food, medications, low water intake, stress, and food allergies all impact skin health. For puffy skin, try cutting out sugar for a week or two, as sugar accelerates bacterial growth. If avoiding sugar doesn’t improve your skin, consider eliminating gluten and/or lactose and monitor any changes. An allergy test may also help identify triggers.

Consume High-Quality Oils.
The type of fats you eat significantly affects your skin. Unhealthy fats found in crisps, fried foods, and trans fats can exacerbate oily skin and other issues. Conversely, good fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, help reduce inflammation and balance skin oils. Local oils like hemp seed oil and tudra oil from Saaremaa are excellent alternatives to cod liver oil and are also suitable for salads (but not for frying). These oils are rich in omega-3s and are integrated into some HOIA’s skincare products.

Apply Omega-3 Fatty Acid Oil to Your Skin.
Hemp, tudra, and HOIA Raspberry seed oil, along with Rosehip seed oil, are ideal for nourishing your skin. Although rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, tudra oil may clog pores for some skin types. All HOIA face serums and oils boast a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Omega-3s, unlike Omega-6s, are less common in nature and cannot be synthesized by the body, making their dietary and topical application vital, especially for dry skin.

You can seamlessly incorporate these oils into your skincare routine, replacing traditional creams to keep your skin soft and hydrated for longer. For acne-prone skin, the Facial Serum Repair is an excellent choice. If your skin is very dry, opt for the HOIA Anti-Aging Face Serum. The Raspberry Seed Oil and Sundrops Superserm are perfect for highly sensitive and dull skin types, respectively. These oils absorb better than many creams and are used in smaller quantities—just a few drops per application are sufficient.

Tip: Unsure about which serum or oil is right for you? Explore our Magic Ritual mini collection, featuring a variety of face serums, oils, and elixirs to help you discover the ideal skincare ritual tailored to your needs.

Take a Critical Look at Your Facial Cleansers!

Sometimes, skin issues can stem from the inappropriate substances in your facial cleansing products. Ideally, your face wash should be pH-balanced and free from alcohol and harmful ingredients such as Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. These sulfates can leave toxic residues, which might be absorbed into the bloodstream, accumulate in the body, and cause various issues. Additionally, they are harsh on the skin, potentially causing damage and contact dermatitis, and they are known to clog pores. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, while milder, can still lead to dryness and flaking with regular use.

It’s worth reconsidering the necessity of daily face washing. The natural sebum of your skin is slightly acidic, around pH 5.5, which helps protect the skin from bacteria. Over-washing can strip this protective layer, causing your skin to produce more oil in an effort to restore its barrier, leading to a cycle of overproduction and potential skin issues.

Instead of traditional washing, consider gently cleansing your skin with a cotton towel and a soothing plant hydrosol, which doesn’t contain alcohol. The HOIA product line includes seven different types of organic plant waters:

  • Organic Rose Spray, suitable for all skin types, particularly aging and combination skin.
  • Organic Tea Tree Water and Organic Aloe Water, excellent for problematic skin.
  • Organic Cucumber Water, ideal for sensitive, dry, and lifeless skin.
  • Organic Watermelon Spray, enriched with vitamins and suitable for all skin types.
  • Cooling Peppermint Spray, cools and soothes the skin, helps alleviate inflammations.
  • Balancing Herbal Spray, perfect for normal to oily skin.

HOIA plant waters are hydrating, free from preservatives and alcohol, and they won’t dry out your skin. If your skin feels too dry or excessively oily, replace your usual face wash with HOIA organic plant waters to tone and refresh your skin. These sprays can also be applied throughout the day to rejuvenate and hydrate the skin.

Exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week!
Why? Because it enhances the absorption of all the wonderful oils and serums you apply. There are two types of exfoliators: mechanical and enzymatic. Mechanical exfoliators remove dead skin cells through physical action, while enzymatic exfoliators use mild acids and enzymes to gently dissolve them.

Which one to choose? If your skin is delicate, sensitive, thin, or prone to conditions like rosacea, opt for an enzymatic exfoliator. However, consult with a skincare expert first, as not all acids are suitable for sensitive skin. While our product range does not include acid peelers, our HOIA Sacred Forest Peat Mask is a great alternative. This mask is 100% natural, locally produced, and packed with enzymes that offer deep cleansing and complexion-enhancing benefits. The peat mask allows you to exfoliate and mask simultaneously, streamlining your skincare routine.

If you prefer mechanical exfoliation and enjoy giving your skin a gentle micro-massage, try our Organic Face Scrub Supersmooth. It contains olive stone grains, organic apple hydrosol, vanilla pod powder, raw cream, and aloe. This scrub is a favorite among HOIA users because it leaves the skin exceptionally soft and radiant. The micro-massage during exfoliation not only removes dead skin cells but also improves blood circulation, enhancing your skin’s natural glow.

Surprise, surprise! The top two enemies of healthy skin are alcohol and smoking!
Smoking and drinking alcohol are harmful habits that negatively affect your health, including your skin. Smoking leads to dehydration, clogged arteries, disrupted metabolic processes, and premature aging. Alcohol consumption has similarly destructive effects, drying out the skin and exacerbating skin problems. Additionally, smoking can worsen your complexion and potentially cause conditions like rosacea and couperose. Reducing your alcohol intake and quitting smoking will not only benefit your overall health but also significantly improve the condition and appearance of your skin. Your skin will definitely appreciate these positive changes!

Give up oil-based synthetic fragrances.

HOIA has a friend whose body was overwhelmed by allergies, reacting even to substances that rarely cause such reactions, including clay. This person’s body was so stressed that it rejected almost everything applied to the skin, leading to symptoms like itching, breathing difficulties, insomnia, and even liver issues due to the stress and allergies. Interestingly, this individual had a notable affinity for perfumes, using them extensively every day, despite them containing synthetic fragrances and toxic additives.

Realizing the potential link between these symptoms and synthetic fragrances, our friend stopped using all scented products. Switching to a specially made mint deodorant without clay and soda, this became her only fragrance. Within the first few weeks, there were minor improvements, and after about three months, significant health recovery was observed. Liver tests later revealed a buildup of heavy metals and toxins, likely from the perfumery industry’s frequent use of such harmful substances.

From personal experience, I’ve observed the negative effects of synthetic fragrances firsthand. Once, after burning a scented candle in the office, I suffered mucous inflammation for three days. Given that candles release scents over extended periods, they can be particularly irritating.

This highlights the pervasive issue with synthetic fragrances found in many everyday products, from cosmetics to household items. Despite their prevalence, these fragrances can cause adverse reactions in both the respiratory system and the skin, the body’s largest organ.

To identify synthetic fragrances in cosmetics, check the ingredients list for terms like “Parfum” or “Fragrance.” Although it is found almost everywhere and challenging to avoid, choosing products without these ingredients is crucial, especially for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

HOIA advocates for the use of natural essential oils over synthetic fragrances due to their therapeutic properties and ability to enhance skin health without harmful effects. Our fragrance-free range includes products such as Body Foam Crazy Coconut, Makeup Removal Oil, Baby Foam, and others, all formulated to be safe for even the most sensitive skin types. By opting for products scented with natural essential oils, you can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy and skin repair without the risks associated with synthetic fragrances.

Abandon Mineral Oil-based Cosmetics.
When checking the ingredients list on products, look out for terms like Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Petroleum, Paraffin, Paraffinum Liquidum, and Petroleum Jelly.

Petrochemicals, also known as mineral oils, are derived from crude oil, which is obtained from kerosene during gasoline production. These substances form a film on the skin that prevents it from breathing, clogs pores, and hinders the skin’s natural detoxification process. Essentially, mineral oils draw moisture from the deeper layers of the skin to the surface, dehydrating it from within. This can drastically slow down the production of vitamin D in the skin and lead to the accumulation of toxins and bacteria, resulting in comedones, pimples, and a lifeless complexion.

For instance, imagine wrapping your forearms in plastic; the skin underneath would soon become sweaty. Similarly, applying products containing mineral oil, paraffin, or petroleum jelly mimics this effect, suffocating the skin. Therefore, it’s advisable to avoid creams with mineral oils as their main ingredient, especially for those with dry, sensitive, problematic, or puffy skin. Over time, mineral oils can also cause premature aging of the skin, leading to dryness and cracking. Conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, and other complex skin issues have also been linked to the use of mineral oils.

It’s worth noting that many consumer cosmetics contain mineral oils because they are a cheaper alternative to plant oils. This includes even high-end products such as Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour cream among others. Always check your products for ingredients like Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Petroleum, Paraffin, Paraffinum Liquidum, and Petroleum Jelly, and consider replacing them with healthier alternatives.

When selecting new skincare products, carefully review the ingredient list to ensure they are free from these harmful substances. At HOIA, we commit to never using petrol oil-based raw materials, mineral oils, or synthetic fragrances in our products, ensuring only the healthiest and most natural care for your skin.

Check Your Makeup Table.

Are you washing your makeup brushes regularly? Is your makeup past its expiry date? Using long-unwashed brushes or expired cosmetics can harm your skin, potentially causing bacterial buildup and resulting in breakouts. Many makeup creams also clog pores, contributing to skin issues.

Our entire HOIA team prefers Sampure Minerals mineral powders over traditional makeup and BB creams. This recommendation isn’t sponsored—it’s genuinely based on our positive experience. These powders provide excellent coverage, feel light on the skin, and don’t clog pores, leaving no heavy makeup feel. There are also other high-quality mineral powders available on the market that meet these standards.

Ensure your cosmetics are free from fragrances, parabens, and especially petroleum products, which you definitely don’t want sitting on your skin all day! For those who prefer a non-powder option, HOIA offers a water-free BB cream, ideal for daily use. It’s richly formulated to double as a day cream, simplifying your morning routine while ensuring your skin stays radiant and moisturized throughout the day.

Watch Where The Bulges Come From.
As we’ve previously mentioned, we believe that the majority of skin problems originate internally, and sometimes the appearance of pimples is linked to a specific issue within the body. According to research by Chinese doctor Wang Zheng Hu, the locations of acne outbreaks on the face can indicate the underlying causes. The skin reflects the body’s overall health and maps the face—each zone corresponds to the disrupted function of a certain internal organ or an incorrect lifestyle. Note: The causes of acne in each area of the face provide only a general direction and may not apply to everyone.

Forehead: The appearance of acne in this area may be linked to issues with digestion, the small intestine, or the liver. Factors such as irregular sleep patterns, stress, and a diet high in carbohydrates can also contribute. External factors like irritating hair products, wearing thick bangs, or using dirty headgear can exacerbate the issue.

Temples: Acne in this area may indicate poor lymphatic circulation. Dietary factors such as a high-fat diet and consumption of overly processed foods can also contribute to breakouts here.

Brow Gap: Breakouts in this area may be related to weak heart function. Lifestyle choices such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can also be contributing factors.

Nose: Acne on the nose often points to poor nutrition and indigestion, suggesting dietary improvements may be beneficial.

Mouth Area: Breakouts around the mouth may be caused by excessive consumption of spicy and fried foods, or constipation. Irritating ingredients in toothpaste can also lead to acne in this region.

Chin and Cheeks: Acne in these areas can be indicative of hormonal or gynecological issues. Problems with the kidneys may also manifest in the lower part of the face. Additionally, frequent touching of the face can transfer oils and bacteria that contribute to breakouts.

Left Cheek: Breakouts on the left cheek could be related to liver disorders or poor food absorption. External factors like stress, a dirty pillowcase, unclean makeup brushes, or using your mobile phone against your cheek can exacerbate the issue. Inappropriate or expired blush can also cause acne here.

Right Cheek: Acne on the right cheek may be associated with lung issues, allergies, or stomach problems. Excessive sugar intake can also lead to breakouts in this area. Similar to the left cheek, stress and hygiene factors like dirty pillowcases, makeup brushes, and frequent phone contact can affect skin health. (Source Anne and Style)

As a reward for carefully reading through the entire post, we’re offering you a discount code that gives you 10% off all full-priced facial care products. The code is CONFIDENCE; enter it in the coupon field at checkout. You can find all our facial care products HERE.

PS! If you’re having trouble choosing the right products for yourself, please write to us at—we’re more than happy to assist you with advice!